Why does my soap sculpt have condensation on it?
It is because our soap sculpts are made from a glycerin soap base, which attracts moisture to it. If it was a soap bar, it might be because the facility the soaps were shipped from was colder than the outside temperature.
Will the soap stain my skin?
We use skin-safe colorants, whether it be liquid or mica. They will not stain your skin like food dye would.
If I eat a soap, will it hurt me?
You should not eat our soap. However, if you do, it will not harm you too much in small quantities. You’ll have mouth and throat swelling, as well as minor stomach and intestinal irritation. If you eat it in larger quantities, you will have nausea and must see a doctor immediately!
Why did my soap turn any shade of brown?
Your soap was made with a fragrance oil that contains vanillin, a chemical found in vanilla beans. There is no possible way to avoid the soap browning with this chemical, only ways to reduce it. For a list of scents that discolor, click here. Our soap bars will have cured for at least four weeks, meaning that the expectation of browning has been worked into the design.
Is the glitter made of plastic?
Actually, no. Our glitter is 100% biodegradable. If you would like to purchase some, please visit either Mad Micas, The Good Glitter, or Wholesale Supplies Plus.
Why does my sugar scrub have white spots on top?
That is nothing to be concerned about. Every scrub we sell has phenonip or optiphen in it, a chemical preservative to prevent bacteria from growing. That said, either can only do so much as long as there isn’t an abundance of water added to it. If you see white spots, simply pour the liquid they are on top of down the drain and scrape the white spots off. They are harmless.
My sugar scrub is harder than when I bought it.
That just means that the oil has settled under the sugar. You can use it regardless, but if it really bothers you, just mix it back up again. Our 8oz scrubs come with a handy scoop spoon to aid in that possibility.
What is my solid lotion bar made of?
Every product has the ingredients listed in its description.